Yes, You CAN Take Ionized Water With You (Updated)

Posted by: On December 16, 2014 5:49 pm

With fresh, clean drinking water at a premium these days (and at a premium price), people are looking for safe and cost effective alternatives to polluted tap and bottles of plastic water of questionable purity. Tyent water ionizers create the ultimate alternative: fresh, clean water with health benefiting properties and for about 6¢ a glass.

Don't throw your money down the drain by buying bottled water.
Don’t throw your money down the drain by buying bottled water.

Want to take your delicious Tyent Water out and about? Here are some things you’ll need to know before you go:

Does Ionized Alkaline Water Ever Lose its Alkalinity?

Yes, ionized alkaline water does lose its alkalinity over time and with a few other factors thrown in.  Ionized alkaline water has a high

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More Interesting Questions Getting Answered about Tyent Ionized Water (Revised)

Posted by: On December 15, 2014 6:05 pm

It’s no secret that there is a serious shortage of clean drinking water in the world and everyday, more and more people are looking for alternatives to the chemical-laden water that flows from their tap or from having to spend a small fortune on bottled water.

plage pollue de dchets plastiques flottants
Were you aware that a plastic bottle has a lifespan of around 450 years?  Sorry future people.

Harsh chemicals in tap water and wasted money on bottled are two good reasons to stop drinking tap or bottled water. But that doesn’t even take into account the billions of empty plastic bottles suffocating our oceans and clogging our rivers, not to mention the horrific landfill nightmare they create.  

If you are one of the

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Ionized Alkaline Water…Good For You Or Bad? (New + Improved)

Posted by: On December 11, 2014 6:05 am

Good for you, is the answer.  Ionized alkaline water is good for you, not bad.  Not counting the antioxidants, better hydration and so on, let’s look at just a good basic reason: cleaner water.  Tyent water filters are among the best.  Our superior Dual Filtration system has helped Tyent win the much sought after Editor’s Choice Award for Best Ionizer year after year… after year.

Tyent has won the
Tyent has won the “Ionizer of the Year” 7 times and counting.

In conclusion, yes, ionized alkaline water is good for you. 

Our second question is a good one… 

Can I Carry Alkaline Water Around In a Plastic Bottle?

Of course you can, but it is not advisable.  There are problems with doing that. 

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The Health Benefits Derived From Drinking Ionized Alkaline Water (Updated)

Posted by: On December 10, 2014 7:07 pm

Each day brings more questions from people who are curious about ionized alkaline water: why it is better than what flows from the tap and even, what it is.  The Tyent Alkaline Water Company is working hard to get this seemingly endless list of questions answered.

Cheers to healthy water!
Cheers to healthy water!

Here is the first question du jour.

What is “Tyent Water”?

Tyent Water is the name given to the water produced by a Tyent water ionizer after it has transformed regular tap water into water that is now filtered, ionized, alkalized, hydrogen-rich and filled with essential minerals and more.

Is Tyent Water Better than Regular Water?

In a word: Yes.

Check out these 5 facts about what

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Why You Should Drink Ionized Alkaline Water from Tyent and Why You Shouldn’t Drink Distilled (Version 2)

Posted by: On December 9, 2014 6:03 pm

Every day at The Tyent Alkaline Water Company, we hear from people world wide with questions about ionized alkaline water and we make every effort to answer them.  Is it pure?  Is it safe?  Is it good for you?  And on and on.  People have questions…Tyent has answers. Today we’re discussing distilled water. 

We recommend distilled water...for your iron.
We recommend distilled water…for your iron.

Today’s first question: 

Isn’t Distilled Water Just as Good as Ionized Alkaline Water?

No. If ever there were two opposite waters, it is ionized alkaline water and distilled.  Let’s begin with distilled water.  Distilled water is highly acidic and safe for drinking for only a short period of time.  It is used in industry and in steam irons because it …

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Water Ionizers & Weight Loss (Version 2)

Posted by: On December 4, 2014 6:30 pm

At The Tyent Water Ionizer Company we receive questions practically twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week from people wanting to learn more about water from water ionizers: what it is, how it works and how this water is different than any other water they may drink.

Fortunately, we have the answers to their questions.

Questions pour in about water ionizers, answers pour out...
Questions pour in about water ionizers, answers pour out…

Here is the first question up.

 Do Water Ionizers Help You Lose Weight?

Drinking alkaline water can assist you in losing weight alongside a plan of eating well and exercising.  Many people have reported shedding unwanted extra pounds while drinking water from a water ionizer but they also did their part by cutting

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Questions About Ionized Alkaline Water Answered (New + Improved)

Posted by: On December 2, 2014 5:04 pm

The stream of questions from people wanting to know about water from water ionizers appears to have no end and that is a good thing.  With all the dangerous chemicals lurking in tap water, the need for clean drinking water has never been higher or more necessary.

ot sure what's hiding in your tap water? Tyent water ionizers bring confidence!
Not sure what’s hiding in your tap water? Tyent water ionizers will give you confidence!

Is Alkaline Water Pure/Clean/Filtered?

Not necessarily.  Just because water is alkaline, doesn’t make it clean or “pure.”  Being alkaline merely means the water has a pH level above 7.0.  However, tap water requires some cleaning up to make it pure.

However, Tyent water ionizers have award winning water filters that not only clean up the water introduced

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What Is Alkaline Water Anyway? (Revised)

Posted by: On December 1, 2014 6:40 pm

If you’re wondering what alkaline water is, you’re not alone. Alkaline water is ordinary water that has been modified to raise the pH to a level that is above 7.0 on the pH scale.  Water that registers below 7.0 is acidic while water with a reading above 7.0 is alkaline.

A Tyent water ionizer can turn tap water into delicious, clean alkaline water.
A Tyent water ionizer can turn tap water into delicious, clean alkaline water.

It is important that we avoid drinking acidic water or eating too many foods that are highly acidic.  Acid in the system can lead to a host of maladies and opens the door to disease by allowing for the formation of free radicals.

Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd (unpaired) …

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Is Alkaline Water from a Water Ionizer Worth It? (Updated)

Posted by: On November 25, 2014 6:10 pm

It seems the more questions answered about ionized alkaline water, the more questions asked. To begin with, several people wanted to know about the cost of drinking alkaline water, and if it was really worth it.  The answer to the latter part of that question is yes, it is absolutely worth it. Not only is water from a water ionizer far superior to tap and bottled drinking water on every level (including price at about 6¢ a glass!), but because of the incredible amount of pollution and litter bottled water generates. 

The cost of drinking bottled water might be steeper than you realize.
The cost of drinking bottled water might be steeper than you realize.

The Eco-friendly Water Ionizer Solution

Let’s look at the cost in residue from drinking

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Does Alkaline Water from a Water Ionizer Taste Different? (Version 2)

Posted by: On November 24, 2014 5:53 pm

Well, the weekend is over and today it’s back to the grind.  Okay, it would seem the proverbial mail-dam has been breached as the torrent of questions from people worldwide continue to flow into the mail room here at The Tyent Water Ionizer Company. 

The questions about water ionizers continue to flow in...
The questions about water ionizers continue to cascade in…

The first question today is this one:

Does Water from a Water Ionizer Taste Different than Other Water?

That is a bit of a tricky question actually.  Alkaline water from a Tyent water ionizer does taste different — but not for what is in it (as with other water), but for what it doesn’t contain.

Tap water, or the water that flows from your sink at

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