How Tyent Alkaline Water Works For Professional Athletes, Updated

Posted by: On April 14, 2015 4:35 pm

At Tyent USA, we have a lot we could brag about as far as achievements go and the growing list of happy customers we are amassing, but that’s not our style.  We prefer to let others do the boasting while we keep working to get better at what we do.

Your horn is always louder when someone else honks it.
Your horn is always louder when someone else honks it.

Last year was a great year for us and this year is starting off even better. We were awarded Best Ionizer for 2014 and now, Ionizer of the Year for 2015, both, major accomplishments in the ionized alkaline water business. Every day more and more people are discovering the multitude of health benefits that drinking Tyent Water provides

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While You Compare Alkaline Water Purifiers, Remember Tyent Won Ionizer Of The Year…Again (Version 2.0)

Posted by: On April 13, 2015 7:37 pm

Granted, there are a lot of companies nowadays in the alkaline water business.  It is big business and a very competitive one at that.  Some companies are pretty good while others are not so good.  So how does one discern which is which when all are going to tell you they are a good company?  The answer, of course, is by comparing them to each other.

The Advantages To Owning a Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Purifier Are Many
The Advantages to Owning a Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water Purifier are Many

By comparing companies and their respective products, we can gain insight as to what type water purifiers they sell, their degree of quality, and how they stack up against other reputable companies. Under Testimonials is another great place to learn more

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There Are Good Reasons Why People Love, Love, Love Their Tyent Water Ionizers (Revised)

Posted by: On April 6, 2015 4:43 pm

There are many companies out there in the alkaline water business…some are better than others. If you are considering an ionized alkaline water purifier for your home or office, consider this; there is only one company in this business today that can truthfully say, “We make the best water ionizer in the business”, and it’s The Tyent Alkaline Water Company. 

What separates Tyent from the rest of the field you may ask?  Quality.  Quality, backed by the best warranty you’ll find on an alkaline water ionizer and a commitment to maintain that quality.  Tyent’s warranty is a no-fine-print Lifetime Warranty. 

We want you to be happy with your purchase. We want you to love your water ionizer 

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Happy and Grateful Customers Want People to Know Why You Can’t Beat a Tyent Alkaline Water Machine (Updated)

Posted by: On April 1, 2015 6:12 pm

It seems the more people who purchase a water ionizer from Tyent, the more they want to share their experience with others who may be hesitant to spend money on something they fear may not deliver on what it promises. 

man thinking over gray background

Their willingness to share with those holding concerns is not surprising however.  Many themselves, had reservations about investing in an alkaline water ionizer before they decided to make their purchase a Tyent ionzier.

However, once they experienced the quality of their machine, the great water it produced and the health benefits they recognized, they were convinced they had made the right decision and just as importantly, had chosen the right company from which to buy. 

Tyent…a Name People Trust

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Happy Customers are Lining Up to Talk About Tyent’s Ionized Water (New and Improved)

Posted by: On March 27, 2015 6:40 pm

There are always questions about the advertised benefits of ionized alkaline water from those who only know what they hear or read. Experience is a better teacher.

There will always be those who refuse to believe.
There will always be those who refuse to believe.

I’ve heard it referred to as Snake oil, Hocus Pocus, Fake, and even BS.  Those naysayers must be happy too because hearing misinformation like that only confirms the old adage, “Ignorance is bliss.”  Ignorance in the sense that these statements are made without knowing the facts.

This week we’re hearing from two Tyent Customers who were elated with the their Tyent machines, the healthy water it produced and the health benefits they personally had achieved.

Yesterday we heard from Carl Mayweather whom,

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A Very Happy Tyent Customer Wants People To Know Just How Great Tyent Water Really Is! (Updated)

Posted by: On March 26, 2015 4:48 pm

People constantly write to Tyent with questions about ionized alkaline water.  The steady stream of seemingly unending questions are always interesting and some just…silly. 

Thoughtful confused handsome man has too many questions and no answer
It’s time once again to answer some questions about ionized alkaline water.

People have asked if ionized alkaline water makes you thirsty or is safe to drink, while other inquisitors want to know if it causes diarrhea and one wanted to know if alkaline water conducts electricity.

Today’s question keeps with that trend.

Does Ionized Alkaline Water Raise Your Blood Pressure?

This one of those queries that makes me scratch my head.  My first thought is, “You won’t be in business very long if you are selling a product designed to improve your health when

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Our Customers Want People to Know that Tyent’s Machines are the Best! (Revised)

Posted by: On March 24, 2015 5:22 pm

If you follow our blog, you know that Tyent is one of the top brands in the nation.  Moreover, if you read yesterday’s blog you know that Tyent USA has been awarded the title, Ionizer of the Year in 2015 and 2016!  They also won Best Ionizer in 2014.

The awards confirm what Tyent customers already know.
The awards confirm what Tyent customers already know.

That’s pretty impressive when you take into consideration the number of companies in the ionized alkaline water business and the multitude of machines tested.  Anytime you are deemed Number One in your respective field you must be doing something good but when you are recognized as the best three years in a row, you must be doing something great.

And …

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The Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Company – Certified Great! (Version 2)

Posted by: On March 16, 2015 7:15 pm

Any company can claim to be a good one.  In truth, a company wouldn’t survive very long if it claimed otherwise.  However, claiming to be good and being good are two separate issues.

To Claim to be a Good Company is One Thing…to Prove that Claim is Another
To claim to be a good company is one thing…to prove that claim is another

Often times, when one begins to look into those company claims, what appeared to look good at the onset doesn’t look so good once you begin to delve a little deeper.  Not so with Tyent.

At Tyent USA we claim to be a good company.  Scratch that.  We claim to be an excellent company.  That is a fearless statement and one which we take very seriously.  There is an old adage

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More People with More Questions Get More Answers from the Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Company (New + Improved!)

Posted by: On March 11, 2015 5:31 pm

The never ending wave of questions continue at The Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Company. We’re glad they do and are proud to answer them.  All these questions reflect a sincere desire to learn more about ionized alkaline water and the company that makes the machines that produce this water. Today, we start off with an interesting question…

drinking water

Does Ionized Alkaline Water Make Your Mouth Dry?

That’s a tough one…to figure out, not to answer.  I wonder what would make someone think that there was a chance that alkaline water would make your mouth dry.  If it did that, I would assume it would also make your throat dry and eventually would dehydrate you.  That would be some strange water …

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Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Machines – a Great Investment Into Your Good Health (Updated)

Posted by: On March 5, 2015 5:25 pm

Yesterday, we heard from more than satisfied Tyent customer, Jerry M. from Pennsylvania.  Jerry suffered from several specific health issues and did a world of research before deciding to purchase a water ionizer to find relief through a more holistic approach.
 research word cloud on a laptop

Having decided to purchase a machine, Jerry then embarked on a mission to determine which company offered the best ionizer for the best price and one that had an excellent customer service record.  Experience had taught him the importance of having a supportive and professional staff of dedicated representatives that stood behind their product and were there to assist him.

Jerry’s glowing endorsement of Tyent, our machines and premium customer service, says mission accomplished!  

The Tyent Alkaline

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