Sugar Freedom

Posted by: On October 10, 2022 2:21 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share information about Sugar Freedom.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  



Do you feel chained to sugar and its ill effects? If you eat sugar every day or excessively and want to reduce its intake for better health, a less acidic, more alkaline body, you are ready to win the battle against the sweet stuff! Cutting down on sugar can stop bloating and fatigue, along with shifting your body into a …

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Update Your Workspace and Feel Better (LIFE-CHANGING)

Posted by: On September 27, 2022 12:37 pm

Your workspace can make you feel stronger, calmer and more in control. Update your workspace and feel better right away.

How do you make your workspace work for you? Follow our tips on workspace wellbeing and start working smarter!

Update Your Workspace and Feel Better



1. Green Working: COVID made homeworking commonplace. Millions of people now work from home as a permanent fixture, while others have returned to the office. Wherever you work, make it as leafy as possible! The benefits of having plants in your workspace are so profound, that if you do NOTHING else, introduce a plant or two near your desk. Update your workspace and feel better – here’s why green is good: 

  • Plants mop up toxins in the air
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Creating an Alkaline Body

Posted by: On September 19, 2022 2:54 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share information about Creating an Alkaline Body.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  


Creating an Alkaline Body

Normal human metabolism produces more acid waste products than alkalizing substances, so the body must continually adjust pH to compensate for this. Additionally, the typical Western Diet, often referred to as the “SAD” diet or the Standard American Diet, which is often comprised of refined, inflammatory foods, can create an acidic body. This has many health implications in the …

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This Is EXACTLY What Happens to Your Body When You Fast

Posted by: On September 15, 2022 12:50 pm

What happens to your body when you fast? Like, exactly? What’s going on that makes you feel the way you do, and what else is going on that you can’t feel?

We’re spilling the beans: this is EXACTLY what happens to your body when you fast! (Clue: it’s all pretty cool stuff)!


This Is EXACTLY What Happens to Your Body When You Fast


1. You Curb Your Calories

Okay, it’s an obvious one, but important. When you fast, you take in fewer (far fewer, usually) calories. During intermittent fasting, resist the temptation to overindulge during your eating window. Likewise, don’t eat too little. The perfect balance is an easy concept: eat regular amounts of food, at regular times.

2. Make Your Metabolism Work Harder!

It’s fascinating …

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Hydrogen Water & Gut Health – Blog Updated for 2022

Posted by: On August 24, 2022 1:55 pm

Do you need to pay more attention to your gut health? Most of us do, but where to start? First, a quick reminder about exactly what’s going on in your gut!


Hydrogen Water and Gut Health


What’s So Good About Your Gut? (Clue: Everything)

It’s not so long ago that even the medical community tended to think of the gut – your Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract – as being a relatively uncomplicated tube through which food passed.

In fact, the gut is mind-bogglingly complex. It contains all the organs that are part of your digestive system. Gut health’s importance to our general health and well-being cannot be overstated. In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at good gut health, and why we all …

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Healthy Fat Optimizes Health

Posted by: On August 22, 2022 2:28 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share information regarding Healthy Fat.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  


Healthy Fat Optimizes Health


Many people fear fat thanks to the ‘low-fat’ era of the 80s. Because of this erroneous nutritional dogma, many products and individuals’ diets had close to zero dietary fat. This is catastrophic and has led in part to what we are now seeing regarding the obesity epidemic and other metabolic health conditions.


Between the late ’70s and late ’80s, …

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Ditch your Phone Alarm (Sooo Rewarding!)

Posted by: On August 11, 2022 2:59 pm

You should really ditch your phone alarm!  Buy an alarm clock and it will change your life. We’re not kidding. You’ll reap the rewards from the first morning – you’ll wonder why it took you so long to stop using your phone alarm and start using an alarm clock! Check out the 3 main reasons to go old-skool on your wake-up call now!


Ditch your Phone Alarm


1. You switch off your light and have one more peek at your phone… y’know… to check that the alarm is set (again). What happens here is that you get a short blast of the ‘blue light’ that messes with your natural circadian Your body responds and thinks that it’s morning, even though you’re going …

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The Secret Toxins in Your Body

Posted by: On August 5, 2022 12:49 pm

Have you applied lipstick, eaten canned food or drunk water or juice from a plastic bottle today? Maybe you’ve spritzed some cleaning products around your home or eaten pizza out of a box? Nope? Okay, how about walked on a carpet? Used a smartphone? Eaten ice cream from a tub? Slapped on sunscreen? Painted a wall?

If you’ve done any of these things, then the likelihood is that you’ve ingested PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), otherwise known as “forever chemicals”.


Secret toxins in your body



The Secret Toxins Hiding in Plain Sight

It doesn’t stop there. These highly dangerous chemicals are everywhere in modern life. No kidding. PFAS make things shiny, waterproof, non-stick, stronger, stain resistant and able to withstand corrosion. They …

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Do you have Dry Skin?

Posted by: On August 1, 2022 1:28 pm

After your morning shower, do you practically sprint across the bathroom to grab the moisturizer before your skin starts to get that dry, tight feeling? We hear you!


Got Dry Skin


America Spends How Much Fixing Dry Skin?

Dry skin affects millions of people, and the beauty industry that has built up around alleviating it is worth billions.

But while we spend a hefty amount on taking care of our skin – the average American spends $322.88  on skin care every year — what you’re carefully applying to your dry skin isn’t enough.

The Cheap & Healthy Answer to Dry Skin

The thing is, if you only treat the symptom you can see – your dry skin – you’re not really …

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How to Wake Up Early and Not Feel Tired

Posted by: On July 22, 2022 11:42 am

Do you leap out of bed and into the day? Or do you manage to wake up early, but keep hitting the snooze button because you’re just not ready yet?

Want to know how to wake up early AND not feel tired while you do it? Yep, us too. Find out how to be a morning lark with feel-good vibes and boundless energy – every day!


How to Wake Up Early and Not Feel Tired


Wake Up Early With Energy Every Morning!


Make these changes and get ready to get MORE out of your mornings!

1. Get a sleep routine that serves you. Got to bed at the same time each evening and rise at the same time every morning – even at weekends. Too many …

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