Bottled Water – An All Around Bad Investment

Posted by: On August 6, 2014 4:54 pm


The High Cost of Clean Water…is Rising




carafe-of-clean-and-dirty-water    Have you ever wondered what the annual costs are of drinking bottled water?  Probably not.  There is much to consider when figuring out the price.  Here are five facts that most bottled water drinkers probably don’t think about before they open that cooler door at the store and grab a bottle.


Green 5


  • Americans buy 50 billion plastic bottles of water each year


  • It requires 17 million barrels of oil to produce those bottles


  • We only recycle plastic at a rate of 23% so 38 billion bottles hit the landfill annually


  • The recommended 8 glasses of water a day will cost you about $50 from your tap yearly
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Tyent USA Looks At San Francisco’s Ban on Plastic Water Bottles

Posted by: On July 28, 2014 4:36 pm


San Francisco Bans Bottled Water Sales!


San Fran Stamp

“San Francisco is 49 square miles surrounded by reality”.

                                                                            -Paul Kantner



In a noble, if somewhat puzzling effort, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors has voted unanimously to ban the sale of single-use bottled water smaller than 21 ounces from city property and events.  This ban also prohibits the sale of same by food trucks regulated by the city.  The city already has banned the use of plastic bags for sacking customer purchases.

 It is the hope of city officials that the banning of these plastic water bottles will induce a new mindset toward pollution reduction while helping to achieve the city’s goal to cut landfill waste down to zero by 2020.


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Tyent USA and a World of Water

Posted by: On July 9, 2014 7:21 pm


Wet and Wild Facts About Water!


earth drop on grass   Water is the sustainer of life.  Every living plant and creature on planet Earth depends on water for their existence.  

From the sixteen thousand pound African elephant, to the three-gram, Ruby Throated hummingbird, and all animals in between, none can live without water.

Each year the average person (if there is such a thing) drinks up to fifty-eight gallons of water.

I thought it might be interesting and a little fun to lay out some fascinating facts for you about water, its consumption, and mystery.  


Earthly Water Facts by the Numbers  

  • Over seventy percent of our planet is covered in water (70.9%)


  • The typical cumulus cloud weighs around 1.1 million pounds
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Tyent USA and Super Foods

Posted by: On July 1, 2014 7:40 pm


What are Super Foods and What is so Super about Them?




We hear so much these days about the so-called super foods, but I wanted to know what criteria are used to determine whether a food qualifies as super.

 Here is what I learned.  As with most topics of discussion, there are many variables.  The first one being subjectivity.  Being subjective usually translates to “in my opinion.”  While many experts agree which foods qualify as super foods, many do not.  It is subjective.  There used to be about five to ten foods on the super list, but in my research, I have discovered lists of ten, twenty, and even as many as a hundred foods

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Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water in a Chemical World

Posted by: On June 3, 2014 3:41 pm


                                             What’s in Your Water?


Viking    Most of us have seen those popular television commercials starring those Viking looking barbarians asking, “What’s in your wallet?  


Well, a better question may be, “what’s in your water? From what I discerned from a recent article I read about the safety of drinking water in the United States, the picture looks pretty bleak.  Here are a few stats to mull over about the purity of the water we drink.  Overall, we use some 60,000 chemicals in America.  Frightening enough, but even scarier is the fact that of those 60,000, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulates only about 90 of those contaminants.  Even at that, they don’t eliminate them;

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Stay Healthy-Stay Home-With Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water

Posted by: On May 28, 2014 4:45 pm



                              Good Health Begins at Home

The first rule of being a good lawyer is “never to ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to.”  I’m no attorney but I’m going to exercise that rule right now.

people-outdoors-with-tree-vector-background  How would you like to look younger, feel healthier, and have more energy by merely enjoying a glass of pure drinking water?  That is one heck of a question and of course, I already know the answer.  A resounding “Yes, I would!”  That’s good, because now you can with a Tyent ionized alkaline water system in your home or office.


Ionized alkaline water is all the rage.  People the world over have recognized the

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Fun in the Sun With a TYgo Water Alkalizer

Posted by: On May 20, 2014 3:16 pm


TYgo Where I Go!


sunrise-atlantic-ocean-coast-fl-usa    We just returned from a relaxing week in Florida, the Sunshine State.  Whoever gave Florida that nickname sure got it right.  The only rain we ever saw was on the drive down and the drive back.  Every day spent on the beach was hot, sunny and relaxing.  It was also very dehydrating.




The Tyent TYgo


While I was basking before an ocean of water, the water inside my body was quickly evaporating.  Regular hydration was paramount.  Thank goodness, I had taken my handy TYgo from Tyent USA.  This portable fountain of youth not only quenched our thirst but also kept our bodies well hydrated and saved us some good money we might

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Water Saving Tips from Tyent USA

Posted by: On September 9, 2013 11:06 pm

Water-Saving Tips from Tyent USA!

It’s easy being “green!”  The average home uses more than 200 gallons of water per day.  Here are some simple water-saving tips you can follow to help save our blue planet.

Water Saving Tips from Tyent USA

*  Take shorter showers.  Keeping your shower less than five minutes long can save up to 1000 gallons of water per month.

*  Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.  Turning off the water while you brush your teeth can save 4 gallons of water per minute.   That’s 200 gallons of water per week for a family of four!

*  Take a shower instead of a bath.  This can save you 30 gallons of water!

*  Turn off your sink faucet while scrubbing

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All-Natural Air Fresheners

Posted by: On August 23, 2013 8:20 pm

All-Natural Air Fresheners

We all love to have a great-smelling home.  However, many air-freshening products on the market today are full of toxic chemicals.  Here are 2 ideas to get your home smelling great, naturally!


Jar of Freshness

For this air freshener, you will need a small jar or container.  Fill up about ¼ of your container with baking soda.  Add 8 – 10 drops of your favorite essential oil.  Cover your container with a lid or tin foil.  Poke some holes in the lid or foil to allow the fragrance to come out.  Every few days, give your container a shake for a nice burst of fragrance.

 All-Natural Air Fresheners -


Freshness Spray

Instead of buying aerosol air fresheners, you can …

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How to Clean with Ionized Water… Recipes Included!

Posted by: On July 29, 2013 9:29 pm

Ionized water isn’t just for drinking!  Did you know that you can use your ionized water for cleaning?  Stop wasting money on cleaning products when you can make your own cleaning products at home!  You may already know that you can use acidic water for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, but you can also use turbo alkaline water in recipes to make your own cleaning products!  Here are three recipes we would like to share with you!


Do-It-Yourself Cleaning Recipes

 How to Clean with Ionized Water... Recipes Included!

Ionized Tyent Water All-Purpose Cleaner

Ionized Tyent Water  DIY All-Purpose Cleaner


Ionized Tyent Water Dish Soap

Ionized Tyent Water  DIY Dish Soap


Ionized Tyent Water Laundry Detergent

Ionized Tyent Water  DIY Laundy Detergent


Let us know what you think of these recipes and give us suggestions for recipes you would like to see in the

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